Meet Grace, our summer Marketing Coordinator. From Maxville, ON, Grace impressed us with her passion about “living through a new age of feminism” and we look forward to having her with us for the summer. We asked Grace a few questions to get to know her better. Here’s what she had to say.
Hello #BusinessSisters, my name is Grace Graham. I am going into my second year at Brock University studying Music. I am hoping, in my future studies, to become a Music Therapist. To be able to harness the “power” of music to heal, express, and emote is exactly what interests me in this route of schooling. I chose this field of study because it combines my love for music and the desire to helping others.
I have lived in Maxville my whole life and feel pretty acquainted with the SD&G area and its culture. Whether it be from playing music at the Dunvegan Harvest Festival, dancing at the Glengarry Highland Games, skating at Countryside Adventures in Moose Creek, thrifting at dgvintage in Cornwall or taking a tour of the beautiful Sunny Fields of Gold in Monkland.
My first official job was with a fellow #BusinessSister, Anick Bertrand, at the Left n’ Write Paperie. In the heart of the downtown Alexandria, there was lots of foot traffic and window shopping and my 12-year-old self felt very important being in charge of the little space every Saturday. It makes me so happy seeing the growth of this space and the beautiful creations that come from it. I will always cherish my experience there and will continue to spend my whole paycheck on her earrings.
As I continue to work with Business Sisters, all the women that I have interacted with are an inspiration to say the least. Their persistence, drive, and vulnerability are so inspirational; but the person that inspires me the most would be my mum, Julia Graham.
I only have the knowledge and understanding of the realities of small business operations because of her. The Quirky Carrot was my childhood. Snow days were spent behind the coffee counter learning how to steam milk, summers were spent baking zucchini loafs, and every other free moment was spent serving, cleaning, prepping, or learning from her. I know what a persistent, hardworking businesswoman looks like because of her. She has set a great example for not only me, but those in the community, that restarting and following something you are truly passionate about can be done! (Love you mum).
What drew me most to the position of the Business Sisters’ Marketing Coordinator is my desire to make their information, message, and the opportunities available, accessible, and applicable to non-binary, women identifying people and women in the community. Business Sisters offers unique services that encourage, support, and inspire women of ALL ages in their femininity and their work life. As a young woman, working in this community, and living through a new age of feminism, I believe now more than ever that the message of the Business Sisters should be more mainstream.
No men. Kidding! (Well maybe not…)
I love picking Doreen’s brain and seeing the thought behind the action. The drive, persistence, and passion for her work is so evident in everything she does. Nothing is half-assed, and everything has purpose behind it, whether it be a blog post, advisory services, posting a story, or making our morning coffee.
I have been away from home for the school year, to a much bigger city than Maxville, and being immersed in a much more diverse community makes me sad to think of back home and how much “modernizing” our little villages need to do. But, as I continue to work and get to know women entrepreneurs in our counties, it inspires me that there is a hopeful future- a more inclusive future- for our area.
Thanks for reading, and be sure to welcome Grace to her new summer postion!
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